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Meet 19 backend developer View everyone

ID 703506

Alex Miller

Data scientist @smartypal-1. Experience in online marketing, backend/frontend web development, and analytics. B.A. in applied mathematics (summa cum laude).

ID 861879

Jeremy Ke

Looking for IT job in small company

ID 692345

Aaron Leitner

Full stack developer with 2 years of startup experience

ID 833194

Alex Jeong

Full Stack generallist.

ID 694290

Malhar Deshpande

Graduate student at Drexel University.Strengths: C#, C++ Javascript, Oracle, MySQL, Algorithms. Comfortable in: Java, Servlets, JSP, Microsoft SQL Server

ID 8384

David Friedman

CTO @real-food-works • Founder & CEO @inhabi • Director of Engineering @venmo • VP Sales @coldwell-banker • Studied at @university-of-pennsylvania

ID 790977

Anand Patel

Computer Engineering Student with minors of Information Systems & Business Administration. I'm looking for a 3rd co-op in 2015-2016 in the SF Bay Area.

ID 47146

Yi Lao

Senior at Drexel, Information System Major & Business minor. Worked at SAP, Webjunto. Started my entrepreneurial journey since high school.  

ID 499332

Mayank Gupta

UPenn CS; know some stuff about Python; worked at SecondMarket in NYC; enjoy science fiction; focus on backend

ID 90956

Justin Furniss

Founder at SocialPar. Design focused engineer that is at home building UIs and backends. Previously ran a large development group focused on cyber security.

ID 474170

Gabriel Khaselev

Swarthmore CS and Engineering, Interested in Mobile Development and backend APIs

ID 344047

Ross Ragsdale

computer engineer, entrepreneur, hacker. @electrical-and-computer-engineer @purdue-university. Founder @rad-laboratories-inc Worked @motorola-mobility-inc.

ID 473287

Ashwin Shanker

Penn State EE grad student,Looking for an immediate opening,Backend experience,Expertise in Machine Learning,willing to relocate

ID 829057

Guy Robinson

ID 762895

Nathan Fraenkel

Master's student at UPenn (done in Dec '14), strong iOS, KPCB Engineering Fellow '12, hard worker and passionate guy.

ID 663590

David Horak

Studied at @wharton-school @university-of-pennsylvania, @university-of-edinburgh •

ID 850358

Bebin Abraham

10 plus years in the support field.

ID 835996

Bekim Abazoski


VP of Deliverability & Tech for All Inbox. Developer by trade, with strong sales and marketing abilities.

ID 783680

Dan Hopkins

Haverford College Computer Science major

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