Map of the local innovation industry.
Meet some of the best and newest startups based in Philadelphia.
Co-founder and CEO of @whysup. B.S in Comprehensive Science @villanova-university, Masters @university-of-medicine-and-dentistry
Location-based services &human movement data @inrix @here, @nokia, @navteq, Invested & launched several data centric start-ups.
Founder @ushowcase-me, Founder & CEO @it-pros-philadelphia-2.
Founded CGUnited LLC. @cgunited to revolutionize the eSports industry.
Founder @bidpress. Studied @Wharton. Several previous ventures.
Founded PayLoadz - $62M in txn vol
Founded Batchex - $10M in txn vol
CEO & Co-Founder Backpac • Worked at, @the-cooper-foundation-cooper-university-healhcare • Studied at @rowanuniversity
Founder, Director of Good @supermighty
Restaurant operations and development jedi. Unabashed oenophile and sommelier. Can sniff out a crispy chicken wing within a four mile radius.
Founder @mixter, @pennapps-fellows • Undergraduate CS at @university-of-pennsylvania
Founder @distisuite, @goodhill-solutions • Former lead developer at @house-party
Healthcare provider, designer, mHealth developer, web wrestler, always thinking about sustainability, DIY tinker and always questioning the Socratic method.
6X founder, expertise in coworking, workplace strategy, and marketing. BA from UPenn.
Founder of CoFund360, coPhilly, and CrowdCampuses. Developer of open-source curriculum programs, technology platforms, and business models.
Founder @nucleus-1 • Worked at @boston-consulting-group • Studied at @harvard-law-school, @yeshiva-university
Mentor, Adviser, Strategist, Board Member, Advocate. Founder @startup-hive , CoFounder @crowdpad , CEO @sgb-media-group , Mentor @geteverwise
fan of serendipity, human connection, and deep conversation. founder & exec director of @AbleThrive and working to empower people with disabilities worldwide.
Founder @everyevent-entertainment, @flavor-festivals • Worked at @nutri-system • Studied at @temple-university
Vernon Pertelle is a founding partner of StratiHealth • Worked at @kaiser-permanente, @Catholic Health Initiatives
Entrepreneur, Microsoft MVP, ASPInsider, co-founder and CTO of @caddio, Father, and SeriouslyOpen host
Founder @regdesk • Studied at @northwestern-university, @university-of-illinois-urbana-champaign • Experienced Regulatory Consultant
Founded Expanse Networks (now Expanse Bioinformatics) and monetized patent portfolio. Founded and operated TechPats for 15 years.