Philadelphia Startups List

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Meet 7 CTO View everyone

ID 156003

Gotce Peev

CTO, GeoTraffic Networks

ID 123600

Elijah Murray

CTO & Cofounder @lenda. @500startups Graduate. UXD background; full stack developer; Buying low, selling high since age 12.

ID 21390

Keith Fitzgerald

CEO of Hurdle

ID 8384

David Friedman

CTO @real-food-works • Founder & CEO @inhabi • Director of Engineering @venmo • VP Sales @coldwell-banker • Studied at @university-of-pennsylvania

ID 420233

Brian Conneen

Software Development expert with more than 15 years of industry experience. Critical and enthusiastic approach to problem solving at all organizational levels.

ID 736656

Jason Cox

ID 59553

Michael O'Boyle

Full Stack Rails Developer, Freelance CTO, Designer, Startup Advisor

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