Philadelphia Startups List

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ID 51131

Jacob Mathew

Director, Medical Affairs @novartis, @merck-co , @eli-lilly Finance MBA @drexel-university • Doctorate @university Of The Sciences In Phila • Mentor at Rutgers 

ID 57655

Paul Zerman

Cinema Alliance music consultant and assistant editor. 20 yr music experience. Pro guitar teacher and Director of student- based Akoustikos Guitar Orchestra.

ID 69050

Luke Burns

I'm a social technologist.

ID 45437

Larry Frascella


Started a business whereby we borrowed money from family and friends. Then secured a credit facility of $20,000,000. Sold the business last year.

ID 55159

Troy Jensen


Co-Founder, CEO & Senior Managing Director of nxVenture Capital Ltd, an innovative private equity firm with their global headquarters in New York City.

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